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Le derby Genoa-Sampdoria décalé à lundi

Unknown 9:45 ص |

Le derby génois Genoa - Sampdoria , initialement programmé dimanche , lundi a été à décalé to annonce vendredi football Ligue italienne ( Lega ) .

The Lega to pris cette décision après des protestations of politiques responsible locaux qui ne voulaient pas that " Derby de la Lanterne " (le phare du port du Gênes ) concurrence I marched Sunday from the city , qui se tient dans le quartier de Marassi , le stade où se trouve Luigi Ferraris .

Les deux des tifosi protested camp avaient également du contre dim fameux derby à midi et avaient menacé of the grève faire des encouragements .

22e journée Programme of du Championnat d' Italie football ( in heure GMT):

( 17h00 ) Bologne - Udinese
( 17h00 ) Cagliari - Fiorentina
( 19h45 ) AC Milan - Torino

( 14h00 ) Atalanta Bergame - Naples
( 14h00 ) Catane - Livorno
( 14h00 ) Verone Chievo - Lazio Rome
( 14h00 ) AS Rome - Parme
( 14h00 ) Sassuolo - Hellas Verone
( 19h45 ) Juventus - Inter Milan

( 19h45 ) Genoa - Sampdoria Gênes
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Transportation to Manques et grands regrets

Unknown 9:36 ص |

Les dernières heures du marché des transferts suscitent traditionnellement one part of intérêt du grand public et des médias . Parfois , you succès est au rendez- vous d' autres fois mutandis to a ne laisse raté transfert des regrets that ... s'est sur ​​ces joueurs dont penché carrière aurait pu prendre la toute une autre tournure if they négociations s'étaient déroulées autrement , et sur ​​ces passés clubs à côté d' une belle affaire .

Trente -six ans après les faits , les supporters of Sheffield United racontent toujours avec cette histoire dans la voix des tremolos . Parti in concert tour of Amérique du Sud recrutement in Harry Haslam repère un homme jeune 17 ans du nom de Diego Maradona. Nous sommes alors in 1978. Blades manager Le des qu'il est if impressionné contact Argentinos Juniors et transfert à hauteur negotiate a 350 000 livres . Mais ses dirigeants Preferent invest 160 000 livres sur Alex Sabella . Peu de temps après , is relegated Sheffield United in deuxième division ...

De son côté , Maradona faveur s'engage in Boca Juniors. Il aurait toutefois très bien les couleurs du pu porter grand rival River Plate . Toutefois , le président Rafael Cabrera n'a pas Aragon plier aux voulu will sue Maradona contrat qui a plus exigeait lucratif that Daniel Passarella et ceux Ubaldo Fillol , les deux des stars Millonarios . " J'aurais adored pour jouer River " trusted l' avait à l' époque intéressé . " Mais mon rêve brisé Cabrera . "

Canto, et Zizou Platoche
Pour ce qui est des transferts RATES, Sheffield semble particulièrement malchanceux . Frappe d'une suspension lourde in France, Eric Cantona prepares rejoindre Sheffield Wednesday . Trevor Francis , he des Owls manager , lui demande de sa période d' essai prolonger d'une semaine supplémentaire . Le Marseillais in ombrage prend , quelques jours refuse signe et plus tard à Leeds.

Cantona Alors on fait des merveilles Angleterre, le jeune Zinedine Zidane envisage lui aussi of tenter sa chance à l' étranger . Kenny Dalglish tente of recruter alors le milieu de terrain à 23 ans Blackburn . Malheureusement are président Jack Walker annule l' opération . " Pourquoi engager Zidane quand on a déjà Tim Sherwood ?" He sue you dirigeant dans un article du Lancashire Telegraph.

Il semblerait tous les grands that soient joueurs français à vivre au moins condamnés épisode de ce type one au cours de leur carrière . À 16 ans , est Michel Platini déclaré " à la pratique inapte de haut niveau du football " even one médecin du FC Metz. Le président messin Carlo Molinari souvient that " tant que jeune , il n'avait pas une cote extraordinaire . Entraineurs de l' époque Les qu'il avait trouvaient a" gros cul . ' Par contre , il avait une belle frappe .. . " Platoche rejoindra will rival Nancy , you dirigeant et des Grenats in tirera une bonne leçon " tellement ça m'a énervé qu'ensuite , you recrutement , je m'en suis occupé personnellement . "

Par une curieuse ironie du sort , Paul Gascoigne est victime d'un jugement du même type in 1983 , lorsqu'il rejoindre tente of Ipswich. Les responsible du club will trouvent trop gras. Auparavant Trois ans , les mêmes recruteurs renvoient chez lui one Néerlandais jeune, victime de son manque de rigueur . Ruud Gullit remettra of cet réalisant affront in the carrière that l' on sait ...

Occasions manquées
Andriy Shevchenko lui aussi à convaincre comb . In 1994 , le futur international ukrainien effectué one essai d'une semaine à West Ham. L' année suivante , il est au proposé FC Cologne . Deux ans plus tard, you Werder Brême are etudie à son tour dossier . À chaque fois , il refus essuie one cop, mais ferme . "Je ne vois pas ce qu'il at spécial " deems Harry Redknapp , manager des Hammers .

Quelques années plus tard, Gaziantepspor s'intéresse of près à un jeune de São Paulo joueur . Les Turcs renoncent cependant à recruter Kaka , échaudés par l' indemnité réclamée ( 1,83 millions d' euros). Trois ans plus tard, l' AC Milan verser doit plus six fois pour l' engager ... Cependant , l' erreur de rien n'est Turcs in comparaison of celle leurs homologues of Flamengo . O Mengão est passé à côté de l' affaire du siècle pour avoir de payer refusé a ticket bus centimes d'une valeur de quelques , au jeune prodige ...

Fulham connu aussi quelques déboires avec un champion du monde brésilien . In 1978 , they Cottagers végètent in deuxième division parviennent mais tout de même à attirer Paulo Cesar . Hélas , you transfert au dernier moment échoué , les deux parties incapable of s'entendre étant sur ​​le paiement des appels téléphoniques vers le Brésil du joueur . De son côté , Arsenal is passé à côté de quelques in or occasions . Yaya Touré effectué one essai d'une semaine à London in 2005 , mais des problèmes administratifs finissent par les dissuader Gunners . The quelques années intervient erreur deuxième plus tard . " Cristiano Ronaldo J'avais à l' entraînement " Arsène Wenger reconnaît . "Je lui ai fait visiter les installations et je lui ai donne a jersey . Finalement , les deux pas pu s'entendre clubs n'ont sur ​​l' indemnité . "

Les dirigeants n'ont pas pu is résoudre à verser you 5 millions d' euros par leurs portugais homologues demand it . Mais à cette époque , Arsenal avait déjà pris l' habitude de revers sur le marché des tels transferts . In 2000, the formation is londonienne offrir voit l' opportunité of recruter Zlatan Ibrahimovic. " Arsène m'avait donne you fameux maillot blanc et rouge " is souvient Suédois him . " Il portait him No. 9 et il était à mon nom. À ce moment , je à ce qu'il m'attendais essaye of me convaincre of rejoindre are équipe . Il fait rien n'en to . Apparemment , voulait voir il quel genre of joueur j'étais . devais je faire un essai . Incroyable! Zlatan ne passe pas d' essais ! Alors , j'ai parti refusé et je suis à l' Ajax . "

Pour une poignée pesetas ...
Le destin de Munich 1860 lui tout autre été aurait if Franz Beckenbauer Gerd Mueller et ses rangs avaient rejoint . Le jeune attaquant disposé était à signer mais l' intérêt ALERTES pair of leurs voisins , Bayern dirigeants du les ont une décision emporté the heure avant fixé will rendezvous between Müller et des Löwen them accountable . De are côté , à rejoindre Munich Beckenbauer s'apprêtait 1860 mais un joueur a mauvaise idée of the eu will lors d'un match gifler du SC 1906 Munich. Furieux of cet affront him to Kaiser préféré rejoindre Bayern will ...

Ces deux ont transferts scored toute une génération , comme celui d' Alfredo di Stefano au Real Madrid. Le FC Barcelone croyait pourtant well tenir la Saeta Rubia. Au terme of négociations longues , les deux clubs partager décident of the garde du joueur , une année sur deux . Un peu plus tard, les dirigeants du club d' abandonner leurs droits décident sur ​​l' échange 5.5 attaquant in millions of pesetas. Compte tenu des misères Di Stefano fera up aux Catalans, l' indemnité maigre Parait well .

Same Old L' AS Monaco in 1986 mésaventure même . Le club Principality trouve one accord avec Jean -Pierre Papin Marseille arrache mais la décision in proposant beaucoup plus one contrat lucratif . Les supporters phocéens regrettent ne pas un instant that the compensation doit leur équipe à l' ASM verser . In l' espace de quelques années , devient une legende vivante Papin sur le Vieux Port . Il est meilleur buteur notamment Sacre du championnat de France cinq ans de suite, between 1988 et 1992.

Causes unlikely
Autre legende , même à 33 ans , Johan Cruyff n'avait , a priori, rien à faire dans une équipe de milieu de deuxième tableau in écossaise division . Ancien adjoint au Jock Stein Celtic , Sean Fallon parvient pourtant convaincre à Barcelone you pour quitter Néerlandais rejoindre of Dumbarton . Malheureusement , Cruyff finit par renoncer in raison du climat . " Est- ce que j'étais tempted ? Oui, évidemment " , count -t- il dans une biographie à consacrée Fallon. " Toujours voulu J'avais jouer en Grande- Bretagne . Mais avec l' âge , moins les muscles deviennent souples . Écosse In m'installant in , sans doute j'aurais connu grosses difficultés physique sur le plan . "

Malgré are frêle physique , l' Italien Gianfranco Zola, lui , n'a pas eu bad au jeu à faire and in devenant britannique à une legende Chelsea . Mais sa glorieuse carrière aurait pu connaître tournure . Zbigniew Boniek , entraîneur Lecce in 1990/ 91, voulait obtenir du jeune you ready joueur of Naples. Les papiers n'attendaient that Signes mais être d' un certain Diego Maradona intervint : " Ce petit , je le veux avec moi ... " In order to saison , Lecce will be relegated . Qui sait ce qui serait arrivé avec le talent of Zola ?

De même , quel niveau aurait atteint if l' Olympique de Marseille in 1989 , le club avait donne à la suite avec Bebeto transaction ? "Je suis alle il ya une à Marseille quinzaine of jours avec mon et j'ai beaucoup agent apprécié city are climat et celui qui me rappelle Bahia " alors racontait you buteur brésilien Flamengo . " J'aimerais jouer à l' OM . Aller à même Je préfèrerais Marseille Bayern plutôt qu'au aussi avec qui je suis in contact . Accord a été trouvé A between et moi le club . Mais le prix 2 millions de dollars était valable seulement jusqu'au 30 juin . dirigeants Les pas de l' OM n'ayant envoyé pour confirmer telex , je ne sais pas si ils sont toujours Interesses ... "

L' OM peut -être manqué pour l' affaire du siècle non envoyé telex , Liverpool mais faire une croix sur dû Frank Worthington , mais pour des raisons différentes well . Bill Shankly would negotiate international transfert de l' anglais mais l' attaquant Huddersfield , dissolue connu pour sa vie , est recalé visit médicale à la raison d'une forte in artérielle pression . " Activité sexuelle excessive" , explain l' intéressé . Shankly en vacances à l' envoie et lui demande de Majorca repasser the visit à son retour . Les mêmes causes provoquant les effets mêmes , second test will be revealed négatif plus encore to premiere , et l' opération évidemment annulée ...

Of transactions nombreuses conclues seront dans les heures à venir . Et au milieu de toute cette excitation , peut -être et quelques clubs that quelques joueurs d' être un jour regretteront passés à côté d'une occasion en or ...
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PSG face Bordeaux to revive

Unknown 9:35 ص |

Le Paris SG, où peut -être Cabaye fera ses débuts , accueille vendredi ouverture de Bordeaux in the 23e journée Ligue 1 , avec deux l' objectif d' effacer résultats fabulous hotel Monaco et laisser à distance you choc avant les deux between the équipes semaine prochaine .

C'est une parisienne rareté dans la saison , mais le club of n'a pas capitale remporté moindre you match the semaine dernière , south butant championnat Guingamp in (1-1 ) is faisant et éliminer pair of Montpellier in 16e finale Coupe de France ( 2-1). "On reste sur deux contre -performances . Mais moi , je Retiens qu'en on février be très motivé that dès demain et on va faire un gros match " to pourtant affirmé in conférence de presse jeudi l' entraîneur parisien Laurent Blanc.

Curiosité du calendrier , Paris et sont déjà Bordeaux is affrontés cette saison à trois reprises , pour trois et des succès d' Ibrahimovic siens (2-1 lors du Trophée des Champions , 2-0 et 3-1 puis à Chaban -Delmas in et championnat in Coupe de la Ligue . " Same Old do well , ils nous aussi connaissent well . Donc on peut -être passera moins de temps là- dessus dans la préparation du match" , a déclaré Blanc, parlant comme d'une des Girondins équipe " irrégulière assez " avant d' embrayer à nouveau sur l' enjeu the rencontre .

" C'est un match important. Parce qu'on reste sur deux matches on n'est pas dont satisfait . Donc à nous du bon pied to distribute . Marquer Il faut esprits them . On doit prendre la victoire et bien ce mois commencer " , at- il Lache .

"Très tranquille"
L' enjeu immédiat concerne aussi Monaco , dernier des Parisiens crédible rival dans la course au titre , revenu à trois seulement à l' points of the preceding issue are net journée après succès contre Marseille 2-0 . Or , il y aura dès 9 février him in Monaco -PSG importantissime . "Je suis très tranquille " to assuré mardi le président à l' AFP parisien Nasser Al- Khelaifi .

"Bien sûr il faut que nous trois points prenions contre Bordeaux , avant d' aller à Monaco . Monaco équipe est une bonne . Je ne suis pas vraiment surpris qu'ils soient là encore . Mais je ne suis pas du tout inquiet après deniers us résultats . Ce sont des choses qui peuvent arriver , surtout in Coupe " , at- il ajouté .

Face à Bordeaux , Laurent Blanc pourra compter sur Cabaye , mercredi soir et qui présenté participated at jeudi à son premier entraînement au Camp des Loges . Verratti étant suspendu et toujours Rabiot blessé the troisième place au milieu de terrain is devrait jouer l' ancien between Lillois , figure dans le groupe qui retenu , et Pastore . " Quand vous avez one milieu à trois, quatre avoir , cinq six joueurs qui peuvent voire jouer là , ça n'est pas trop " to estimates Blanc.

"On ne pas au will pose the question Bayern , à City, au Milan ou à la Juve . Ça tourne trois et les meilleurs jouent . Blessures Il ya des , des cartons ...", at- il ajouté . In face , c'est qu'il in attaque des problèmes already . Rolan Diabaté et sont absents , Obraniak partance , Jussiê n'est pas dans le groupe et Maurice- Belay ou sont Saivet in méforme .

Francis Gillot donc pourrait miser sur l' ancien Parisien Hoarau , sans doute qui espère recevoir la même ovation that celle qu'avait reservé Nantais Fabrice le Parc au il ya huit jours Pancrate .
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AS Roma nibbles, AC Milan stunning

Unknown 9:46 ص |

AS Roma returned to six behind leaders Juventus, thanks to his victory in the Hellas Verona ( 3-1) signed Gervinho , author of an assist and a goal Sunday game of the 21st day of the Italian Championship .

Gervinho found the way
The " gazelle " raptor . The Ivorian " sprecone " (" that spoils " ) , after many missed opportunities since the beginning of the season, has signed two crucial goals in five days. After the victory in the quarter- final against Juventus (1-0), Gervinho has signed the 2-1 in Verona, after reviewing the defense horizontally . He had already served the first goal in Adem Ljajic after one of his races dribbling . Francesco Totti who secured the victory on penalty , Roma advantage of zero Juve yesterday in Rome against Lazio (1-1 ) to reduce a bit distances . Hellas had equalized with the first goal this season Icelandic Emil Hallfredsson . Roma secured their third win in a row in Serie A, the fifth overall since the slap in Turin against Juventus . Great beneficiary of the 21st day , it also relegates the third , Naples, 6 points, taking advantage of his missteps at home against Chievo Verona ( 1-1).

The first miracle of Seedorf
Expected as the Messiah on the bench for AC Milan , Clarence Seedorf saw his team win at Cagliari ( 2-1 ) with two goals in the last three minutes. The " Rossoneri " headed for a second defeat in a week when Mario Balotelli equalized with a direct free kick (87). At the last minute, Giampaolo Pazzini , who is slowly returning after six months of injury , gave the victory to the new Dutch coach called there less than two weeks . Seedorf had seen his team sink at home against Udinese (2-1) in the quarterfinals of the Italian Cup on Wednesday. This time, his Milan played better on offense, wasting still several occasions by Balotelli or Keisuke Honda, but has been betrayed by his defense. Poor recovery of goalkeeper Marco Amelia operated by the Chilean Mauricio Pinilla allowed Marco Sau , the best Sardinian scorer ( Goal 5 ) to open the scoring . But milaniste finish did everything to forget.

Inter despair
Inter sinks into crisis , unable to beat the last , Catania, at home ( 0-0) . Walter Mazzarri 's team is completely stopped, she barely threatened the Sicilians , driving erratically . The fans have vibrated once ... when the scoreboard announced that AC Milan was led to Cagliari. But even this joy has been removed to Intéristes ...
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Lyon - Guard: "We must keep our feet on the ground"

Unknown 9:45 ص |

Lyon coach Remi Garde is pleased to see that the correct period of the OL, winner Sunday at Gerland Evian / Thonon (3-0), the third consecutive victory in Ligue 1 and unbeaten in seven days , finally materializes classification .

Rémi Garde , this victory with three goals she embodies a perfect afternoon ?
Yes. It is a great satisfaction to have reached this pitfall represented by the Evian Thonon team / that is not easy to play with lines and tightened with a lot of sacrifice to defend . This match did not look easy on a lawn Gerland which was better known . We knew the deadlock on a stopped -phase point on lesquel we recently insisted. This afternoon was quite positive .

Finally , OL its recovery materializes in the standings. What do you think ?
Yes , it is . There are still a lot of games to play (16) and a lot of points to make, but when we made ​​a series of three wins, it inevitably boosts the rankings. We must remain grounded , although recover forces in the coming week before a program of eight games to go in February. We begin to remove the crap that was made ​​previously. This leaves some regrets about things we have left to escape in a period when we were already in the game but lacking rigor and efficiency. Today, I saw a Lyon team that controlled the game without falling into excessive through leading 2-0 against an opponent reduced to ten . The podium? We can not talk about that right now . We have too many games and too many competitions to come. We will take the end of February already and we 'll see where we are.

You took nine points in Lille (3rd) in six days. What is your sentiment?
Yes , it is but there are sixteen days. What we did in six days , it will do it again almost three times . This gives the magnitude of the task . It is also very exciting to be in this position where we come from behind , where stores a little bit of confidence.
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Chelsea completes the transfer of Salah

Unknown 9:44 ص |

Chelsea have completed the transfer of Egyptian Basel winger Mohamed Salah, announced coach Jose Mourinho Sunday. 

Asked on the sidelines of the 16th round of the FA Cup clash between the Blues Stoke City, Mourinho confirmed the signing of Salah, the club had already announced the coming Thursday. 

Chelsea did not say how much he paid to provide services to the international 21 years but the British media suggest the sum of 11 million pounds (13.2 million euros). 

This announcement comes after the formalization of the departure of the Spanish leader Juan Mata 25 for Manchester United. After Bertrand Traore and Nemanja Vidic, it is the 3rd Winter rookie Mourinho surely impressed by the player's performance this fall during his two Champions League matches against the Swiss, with a part in the first leg and a goal the other leg.

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The Republic of Korea beats Costa Rica

Unknown 9:41 ص |

South Korea beat Costa Rica 1-0 (halftime: 1-0) on Saturday in Los Angeles, match preparation Mondial 2014 in which both teams have qualified.

South Korea took the lead in the 9th minute by Kim Shin-wook sole purpose of exclusions marked by two players from Costa Rica, Christopher Meneses (68th) and Mauricio Castillo (84th) meeting.

South Korea will face, always friendly match, Mexico Wednesday in San Antonio (Texas) and the United States in Los Angeles on Saturday.

During the final phase of the World Cup in Brazil (June 12-July 13) South Korea will face in the group H Belgium, Algeria and Russia, while Costa Rica will face in the group D Uruguay, England and Italy.
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Lucho to Qatar

Unknown 9:40 ص |

The Argentine international midfielder Lucho Gonzalez will leave FC Porto where he played from 2012 to join a Qatari club, said the Portuguese coach Paulo Fonseca club.

"FC Porto was sensitive to the demands of the player who wanted to take a different path," said Paulo Fonseca, whose remarks were reported Sunday by the Portuguese press.

According to sports daily o Jogo, Lucho, 33, will sign a contract of 15 months, estimated at 4.5 million euros, with the Qatari club Al Rayyan.

With FC Porto, where he played from 2005 to 2009 and from 2012, from Marseille, "El Comandante" won six league titles in Portugal.

To replace the FC Porto does not count recruit but to appeal to players of the club, said Paulo Fonseca.
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Blatter ended his visit to Russia

Unknown 9:21 ص |

This Sunday, January 26 , Blatter has ended a three-day visit to St. Petersburg. During his stay in Russia , he has kicked off the 22nd Cup of the Commonwealth of Independent States ( CIS ) with Governor Georgy Poltavchenko and the President of the Russian Federation Nikolai Tolstykh . He also participated in a series of meetings with 14 member associations who participated in this event: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus , Estonia, Kazakhstan , Kyrgyzstan, Latvia , Lithuania, Moldova, Uzbekistan , Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Ukraine.

Discussions focused on the development of football and more specifically on the establishment , with the support of FIFA activities related to grassroots football in the region. In recent years, these countries have benefited from several development initiatives FIFA in various forms: infrastructure, education and technology.

" The CIS Cup is a important event for young footballers. This competition demonstrates the commitment of Russia in the field of football. I think we 'll see some of the players today at the World Cup 2018 Russia. this edition will certainly in the history of our sport , "said the FIFA President , who attended all the editions of the friendly tournament .

Asked about the Olympic Winter Games in Sochi in 2014 , Joseph S. Blatter has engaged in some confidences : " I look forward to the competition begins The Sochi Games are a great opportunity for the international community to come together and have fun through sport I am even more enthusiastic. . the stadium that will host the opening ceremony on February 7 is one of the sites selected for the 2018 World Cup . "

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Zimbabwe eliminates Mali quarter

Unknown 9:19 ص |

Zimbabwe has created the surprise by eliminating Mali, one of the favorites for the competition, 2-1 in the quarterfinals of the African Nations Championship on Saturday in Cape Town.

Zimbabwe, solid and respected, is imposed by Simba Sithole (11) and Kudakwashe Mahachi (56). Mali has reacted late by Hamidou Sinayoko (89).
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Nigeria stunning

Unknown 9:17 ص |

Nigeria has made a real feat in reversing the situation to win against Morocco (4-3) in the quarterfinals of the African Nations Championship (CHAN 2014 ) Saturday in Cape Town.

Yet , Nigerians were overwhelmed in the 1st half against the technical and collective control , as well as the liveliness of Moroccans to be conducted 3-0 .

" The Atlas Lions " have relied on two players from Raja Casablanca finalist World Club last December, to realize their influence on the early game .

It is first Mohsine Moutaouali that punctuated a good scoring a beautiful collective movement (33) before being imitated by Mouhssine Iajour , which marked a splendid kick wrapped entering the penalty area ( 37 ) .

The Morocco drove the nail in the 40th minute , a concluding Moutaouali right outside a beautiful opening El Ouali .

At the break, the qualification held out his arms to the Moroccans but the second half was going to offer a completely different scenario.

Nigeria, annoyed, raged . Shortly after the restart, Ugonna Uzochukwu pulled one back for a nice sequence at the entrance of 16 m ( 49).

Nigerians exercised a high pressing and salvaged a lot of balls , choking the opponent.

More athletic , they were once again the fault in the 55th minute , Rabiu Ali resuming straight into a ball against a listless opposing defense.

Everything was again possible for Nigeria , which got the equalizer in the 90th minute by the best player in the game, twirling Christantus Uzoenyi Ejike , whose shot from 20 m is lodged in the window.

Ibrahim Abubakar Aliyu , came into the second half , finally scored the winning goal in overtime (111). The 19 -year-old showed opportunistically shot released by the Moroccan keeper. The " Super Eagles " income far could finally soar

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Hierro: "Opportunities pass and do not come back"

Unknown 2:55 م |

It is one of the important figures in the history of the Spanish selection . Fernando Hierro was called 89 times for the national team and played in four FIFA World Cup ™ . However, it has not been the same with Roja success in terms of titles with the club which has revealed Real Madrid. made ​​a little trip back in time with the former central defender so that we do share memories he has kept some editions of the most important tournament of his life.

Fernando Hierro , what image comes to mind when you say " Spain 1982 " ?
The World we played at home ! I was 14 and I watched it on television. Naranjito , our mascot, has withstood time ! I remember an enthusiastic and motivated by this World Cup countries, although sportingly , we were not able to go very far. I remember many other things : the purpose of Marco Tardelli and his final celebration of the joy of Italian Prime Minister in the gallery and Diego Maradona, my great idol.

Rapidly advance the film and let us in Italy in 1990. This is your first experience in the World Cup as a player . What memories do you keep ?
For me it meant living for the first time the daily tension of a World . I was young when I arrived in the Spanish selection , I had little experience, but I came to realize that represented this competition , degree , everything that there is behind .. . I realized that I was privileged because I had the chance to participate in a World Cup . When you are a player , you go step by step. Now , I think that some incredible players who had an extraordinary level club , could not go.

I have not had the opportunity to play, I 've seen everything from the bench , but it was a wonderful experience . The images I have in mind ? The three goals of Michel against the Republic of Korea, Germany champion ... For me, the tactical level was not high in this tournament, but the competitiveness was outstanding. We were eliminated in the second round ( against Yugoslavia ) . We felt we find facing a wall that we could not overcome.

What do you think the United States in 1994 ?
At the organizational level , the World Cup has proved perfect . Everything went like clockwork . The stadiums were full when we had been worried because football was not a very popular sport in this country. We had a big party. We found a fantastic team of Bulgaria with a spectacular game with Brazil and a decisive players.

Next is France . In 1998 , Spain did not even qualify for the knockout stages. Is this your biggest disappointment ?
We had a great team . It was time to enjoy the meeting of two generations : the ancients had accumulated experience and youth were talented . I call it a great opportunity missed . We believed that we could and we left after the third meeting . Here you measure the importance of a bad day. I remember after our first match lost against Nigeria, we returned to the hotel and have not been able to sleep. At four o'clock in the morning, we analyze further the game. I shared my room with Rafa Alkorta and we could not understand how we could lose.

Korea / Japan 2002 was the final point of your international career with Spain. How did you feel ?
Opportunities pass and do not come back. This group progressed. We suffered a lot against Ireland in the second round , but we stood firm. The team was fit, very united and very confident ... But we met the host country and , even if we have not delivered a great performance , I think we did a respectable game and we deserved more . Me, I had already decided that this would be my fourth and last World Cup, the end of my international career . It was an honor to wear the jersey of the Roja for 12 years and I retired at 34, being part of the eleven ideal of the biggest competitions. When you leave the World Cups and major events , we keep in mind the greatness of these tournaments . Yes, there is pressure , a lot of tension ... But we are privileged sacred because we could defend the colors of our country at a World Cup. I consider myself privileged .

In the next edition, you found yourself in the skin of the bear ...
Germany 2006 , I was recently retired . I decided to watch the World Cup at home, like a spectator in a passive position , but by working with the media. This is how you really know what your country lives . Fortunately, when you're player , you do not notice it, because you are more isolated and focused on the purely sporting aspect . Sometimes football is more aware of what the tournament raises and passion it generates . This is what happened to me again in 2010 , when I had the opportunity to go to South Africa, as athletic director , much more involved in the organization and daily life with the players and the coach . Images and information coming to us , but we would never have imagined what awaited us in Madrid.

Has represented the victory in Johannesburg ?
We all knew that one day we should take that damned wall quarterfinals and that from there , Spain would fly and feel free . This victory brought tranquility and peace to many generations of Spanish footballers. That day was relaxing because it meant that we no longer would hear that Spain had never won the World Cup, we were an eternal promise ... This was a wonderful satisfaction.

But there were difficult moments ...
When we arrived , everything was negative ... They doubted the organization and had reservations about the stages ... Finally, it was a wonderful World ! We were delighted with the welcome we reserved the population there. From a sporting point of view, after the match against Switzerland, we experienced an incredibly difficult time. But the serenity did us good. Serenity shown by Vicente del Bosque, our environment , the players and the Federation has contributed to our success. And that is pretty Cup ... and very heavy !

And Brazil 2014?
When Switzerland beat us , all the world said " no team having lost the first match earns a World Cup ." Now no means defending team title ... In short, it is the challenge. Statistics are made ​​to be contradicted .
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Zanetti: "I want to continue to serve the Inter"

Unknown 2:53 م |

Javier Zanetti , one of the best players in the history of Inter Milan celebrates in August his 41st birthday. With the Nerazzurri , he knew in 2010 the greatest hits of his career championship, Italian Cup , Champions League and UEFA Cup Club World Cup.

In Italy , the man with 145 caps for Argentina has long been a legend . Il Capitano but do not count hang up his boots anytime soon, as he confided to .

Javier Zanetti, you are in Milan since 1995. After 19 years , did not you become a little Italian?
Yes, it's true. When you live so many years in the same city and we play for the same team , we finally identify. The club was fantastic with me from the beginning and it made ​​me feel quickly at home. I do not forget my roots, but after so long , I actually got a little Italian.

Your family and friends in Buenos Aires do not they want to see you go home ?
No, because they know that everything is going very well for me in Milan. They also know that this city and this club means to me. They are very happy for me. I spent part of my vacation and I go for some holidays . I'll see my family and friends. But I also look after my foundation " Pupi " with which we help children from disadvantaged neighborhoods of Buenos Aires. I always return with pleasure.

During these 19 years , Inter Milan scored many Argentine footballers css ranks. Your countrymen have they become your closest friends ?
Not only them . Ivan Zamorano , from Chile , for example, became the godfather of my daughter. Colombian Ivan Cordoba is her godfather of my second son and a very good Italian friend is the sponsor of the first . Nationality does not come into play .

What Italians and Argentines in common?
We are very similar, no doubt. In the past, many Italians emigrated to Argentina. Now are we, Argentines , and in my case we other players who return to Italy. But we always try to keep our identity.

Back a few years back . What are your memories of your arrival at Inter Milan from Banfield in 1995 ?
It was a big challenge. I was 21 at the time. I still had much to learn, much to discover. Land in a city like Milan, for a young man like me, it was not obvious . Many things , and experiences have allowed me to grow and to mature . I'm not just talking about my football career , but also my personal life. The club has always supported me and helped me . It was a big decision to come here and today I can say that it was good . I lived intensely the last 20 years . I 'm still proud and honored to be part of this fantastic club. Inter have given me everything .

Can we speak of eternal love between Javier Zanetti and Inter Milan?
Altogether. I feel sincere feelings for this great club for the Moratti family and for all the fans. It was a love at first sight and that love grew day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year. The respect shown me is important to me.

Your wife Paula has she ever been jealous before such affection ?
No, on the contrary! After all these years , she also became a real Interista . She is aware that Inter will always hold a very important place in our lives.

You are known for your fighting spirit, your ambition and discipline. Is it true that you have trained a few hours after your wedding ?
Yes. We were married December 23, 1999 . During the Christmas holidays, we always get a special program to stay in shape. I 'm actually led me right after we said "yes". This is my way of being, it's part of my culture and my philosophy. Since the day I decided to become a professional footballer , I stayed true to these principles.

You have three children. What Does Dad Javier Zanetti ? It is also determined , proud and exemplary player ?
Yes , of course. I attach great importance to my children and I give them everything. When I can be at home, I spend a lot of time with them. I need it and it makes me feel good. I feel serenity when I'm with my children.

Talking about November 9, 2013 . You entered on the lawn in the 82nd minute of a home game against Livorno, after a ruptured Achilles tendon and a forced rest for six months. Spectators you have reserved a hero's welcome . What do you remember of that time ?
It was incredible . This deafening ovation gave me goose bumps , my heart was beating 100 miles an hour . Our fans gave me a special gift , I will always be grateful to them. When I hurt, I had only one goal in mind : I wanted to replay again at least once in our stadium , in front of our fans. Through hard work and an indescribable support, I could get there.

During matches , when you replaced or you get on the ground, you are always warmly applauded throughout the country . How do you feel this sign of respect from fans of other clubs?
It makes me very proud and it touches me . Football is a great sport. Despite the rivalry , it brings people together . Beyond the headlines, a footballer can not get much better than winning the respect and applause of fans whose heart beats for the colors of another team .

What the future holds ? How the story between Javier Zanetti and Inter Milan Will it continue?
My desire is always to stay in this fantastic family at the end of my career. What is certain is that I want to continue to serve the Inter and make myself useful .

Your foundation " Pupi " is also of great importance to you. Should we see evidence of your commitment that footballers do not think about money ?
What I will say is only my opinion , but not , footballers are not obsessed with money. Some embark on similar projects. It is important to think about those who do not have an easy life . I became aware of this responsibility and I created this foundation. We are happy to work for these children in disadvantaged neighborhoods of Buenos Aires who really need help.

You are the owner of two restaurants in Milan. You see , sometimes behind the stove ?
Oh no, definitely not! I am a very bad cook . I leave that to the experts. When I go to a restaurant is to eat. It's better for everyone.

Do you feel blame the weight of years ? Seeing you on the field, we do not believe that you will soon be 41 years old ...
I still feel young . Everyone feels differently. Age is , of course, but it depends on how it is managed. When one is in agreement with oneself , it becomes easier to maintain the highest level .
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Bayern - Müller: "No hope to compete"

Unknown 1:28 م |

" We want to show the competition that there is nothing to take " against Bayern Munich , warned Thomas Müller, Bavarian striker leader Wednesday , two days before the resumption of the German Championship in Monchengladbach ( 3e).

"We must not show any weakness that could restore hope ," insisted the German international calling its partners to develop the "spirit of competition " because " even the so-called big Bayern can not simply indulge in half ."

Müller , 24, called " small warning " the recent defeat (3-0 ) to Salzburg ( Austria D1 ) with an experimental team in the last match of preparation for the recovery.

" Forget the holiday mood , he has insisted. Because if a team is aggressive and does not occur in the pants , you can also run into problems. "

This opinion is shared by the central defender Dante, who knows Mönchengladbach well, having played three years before his transfer in 2012 in Munich.

"It will be a hot match . If you are not focused , it can be finished as in Salzburg ," warned the Brazilian international .

Champion of Autumn, the + + Rekordmeister sits comfortably in command of the Bundesliga with 44 points and 7 points ahead of Leverkusen, and a game in it will play Jan. 29 in Stuttgart.
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Examinations for Falcao, injured his left knee

Unknown 1:26 م |

The Colombian international striker Monaco , Radamel Falcao , injured his left knee during the match cutting Chasselay France -Monaco (0-3) on Wednesday in Lyon, will spend Wednesday night or Thursday examinations do we learned from the club of the principality.

The player was hit in the 40th minute of the game on a foul Soner Ertek . He was evacuated on a stretcher and replaced at halftime by Emmanuel Riviere, who scored the other two goals of Monaco .

Cruciate ligament injury is suspected for the Colombian but not confirmed at the moment .

Ertek the player involved in the action that caused the release of Falcao declared himself " disappointed " . " It is my right and I tackle to protect the cage. Hopefully it is nothing serious. I would hate even more if he were to miss the World Cup. Wish him a good recovery, " said Rhone defender .

"I'm disappointed . Honestly, I do not feel that I touch . Was he takes the peg alone on the action? Did I accidentally touch I do not know but that m ' was sealed. This ruined my game. I 'm really not good, " he added.

Falcao opened the scoring in the 29th minute by taking a pass from Valere Germain in receiving a free kick played right wing Joao Moutinho .
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Durable, special and unbeatable

Unknown 1:23 م |

In its weekly statistical review , recalls the thresholds achieved by Xavi and Jose Mourinho, the impressive form of Juventus and U.S. U-20 and the end of a monumental series in France .

 appearances at FC Barcelona is the threshold reached by Xavi during the Catalans 2-0 victory over Getafe in the Copa del Rey . The midfielder , who added a 701st delivery Championship on January 19 , holds the record for games played for Barca . His nearest rival in the rankings is his teammate Carles Puyol , who played 112 games less than Xavi . The latter is also the player who has won the most major awards in the history of Barça club, with 22 titles to his hunting board: seven Spanish championships , two Copa del Rey , Spanish Super six , three leagues champions UEFA Super Cups two UEFA Cups and the Club World Cup. 16 year career since his debut against Real Mallorca in 1998 , Xavi has not received one red card.

 English Premier League wins : this is the threshold reached by José Mourinho with Chelsea win over Manchester United ( 3:1). Several coaches have surpassed the 100 games won since the inception of the competition, but none has done as quickly as Mourinho. Portuguese needed 142 matches, against 162, 179 and 181 respectively to Sir Alex Ferguson , Arsene Wenger and Rafael Benitez . For the last victory of his men, the Special One can thank Samuel Eto'o, author of a hat-trick against the Red Devils. The third goal of the Cameroonian was also the 1 400th for Chelsea since the launch of the Premier League. Eto'o was also the first player from the club to complete a hat -trick against Manchester United since Seamus O'Connell in the 1954/ 55 campaign , which is also one where the Blues won the Premiership for the first time in their history. Across the Channel always Loïc Rémy has produced a statistical curiseuse : Newcastle striker has indeed registered 2 222nd Premier League goal in the 22nd round of the competition which is in its 22nd season!

 : It is the cumulative for the United States after their victorious journey in women's U-20 Championship CONCACAF score. In the tournament , which took place in the Cayman Islands , the Americans scored 19 goals in the group stage , before winning 6-0 and 4-0 against Trinidad and Tobago and Mexico in the semi- final and final respectively . Girls driven by Michelle French thus offered to their country its third successive crown dubbed a qualification for the FIFA U- 20 World Cup competition. In August in Canada , the Americans will therefore figure favorites, not only because of their effectiveness in qualifying, but also because they are the most successful in the test. The United States is the only country to have awarded the tournament three times.

 victories in the first 20 days of Serie A 2013/14 : Juventus has set a new record in the league . In the 85 year history of the Italian first division , neither team had managed such a feat . In the five major European leagues , only FC Barcelona ( 2010/11 , 2012/ 13) and Chelsea (2005/ 06 ) achieved a feat of this magnitude. Accordingly, Juve have 55 points after 20 days the meter , which is again a record . Beating Sampdoria 4:2 , the Turin chained fifth consecutive game in which they scored three goals or more. This is the first time they successfully a beautiful series since May 1960. Against Sampdoria , Arturo Vidal scored twice , bringing his goal total in 2013/14 to ten. The middle of the Chilean land is undergoing its most prolific season in Serie A.

 years, 10 months and two weeks without defeat at home: this incredible series of female Olympique Lyonnais ended against Paris Saint- Germain , which says more than ever as the great rival of Rhodaniennes this season. Winners of the last seven editions of the first French women's division , the Lyonnaise remaining 87 games unbeaten in the league before their audience. The purpose of the Paris victory was scored by Laura Georges , former Lyonnaise . The defending champions still hold the top spot , but have only three points ahead of the players of the capital. The end of the series for Lyonnaise comes a little less than a year after the defeat against Wolfsburg , which had ended a series of three years and 119 matches without defeat in all competitions .
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Ramos: "It can be a very successful year"

Unknown 1:22 م |

At 27, Sergio Ramos reports weekly challenge for defense : the defense of two of the most offensive teams in the world , namely Spain and Real Madrid. That said, this task seems to him like a glove. Double European champion and world champion with La Roja , Ramos is also integrated for the fourth time in his career the FIFA / FIFPro World XI , as the best player in the world at his post in 2013.

To , the experienced defender discusses the challenges facing the Real and Spain and the complex social situation facing his country.

Sergio Ramos, 2014 promises to be a very special year with several club competitions , and as icing on the cake , the FIFA World Cup in Brazil. This adds he still chili ?
Of course! This is a year that looks very beautiful with lots of challenges and goals. We'll have to try to give the maximum and go as far as possible with both the selection with Real Madrid, which is still in the race in three competitions ( La Liga, Copa del Rey and Champions League UEFA ) . We are forced to fight for these three titles. World will make the year even more special , it is clear. Another important date for me is that in May , I will be a father. What do you ask of life? I approach this 2014 with great enthusiasm .

This baby does it come with a trophy as a gift?
I hope so, yes ! Being world champions is a goal that we had the chance to live with all the Spanish people. This title has been very difficult to win and it will be very difficult also to defend. Not bad selections are evolving at a very high level and all want to beat us .

The draw has put you in the same group as the Netherlands , that you faced in the finals in South Africa 2010. How did you feel when the little ball was opened ?
Many memories . Over the years , we played against a lot of teams, but Holland will keep a special flavor due to the final, which was our first , with the key to our first world title. This is a team that always share a priori favorite because it has always had players of great quality. When you see in your group, you obviously think that fate could have been a little nicer to you , but at the same time, less reputable selections can also complicate your life and get you out of the tournament. We must respect everyone and to be world champion, you must be able to beat the best .

Let's talk about Brazil. The magnitude of the Brazilian victory in the final of the last Confederations Cup FIFA has surprised many people . What is your analysis of this match?
We must be realistic , they deserved this victory. On this point , we still have something to learn . We can not be arrived at better physically . They were fully developed and in addition they played well . With a man less ( Gerard Pique was sent off in the 68th minute ), the result became severe. But do not look for excuses . They were above us and deserved to win . What is good in football, there is always an opportunity to take his revenge. It is a perpetual source of motivation, even if you do not know when that opportunity will come . We'll have to be prepared for if we come to face Brazil again, he will have to find a parade to hurt them , as we did the year before .

In this meeting, you missed a penalty in the second period . What did you learn from this situation?
All this is decided at the time depends on the state of mind and confidence of each player . I wanted to take on this responsibility , but I have not had any luck . Any attempt to place the ball , I put it on the pole. The guard was not thrown because he knew a little of my background ( he smiles ) and I missed . These are things that happen . The biggest players have missed penalties. Do not fixate on errors. Obviously, all serve to gain experience but if tomorrow the opportunity represented , I would assume no problem.

Your career led you to defend in two teams extremely offensive vocation, like Real Madrid and Spain. Is it an additional challenge to participate so little game?
The key to the success of a team is the defensive stability. In this sense , the rear block must evolve very united with the block and the offensive midfield . It should be well coordinated , focused and do well all the covers. It is true that this can sometimes be a little frustrating, especially for defenders who like to participate in the offensive game and be close to the goal . We must learn to remember, but when your team wins, you are happy with the defensive work done . When you have very dangerous players before , if we, the supporters, we will give a helping hand , it becomes very hard to defend against us.

What has changed to Real Madrid since the arrival of Carlo Ancelotti in comparison with the period José Mourinho ?
It would be unfair to make value judgments because each coach is a world unto itself . It has its own philosophy , style and character. Everyone is different . With Mourinho, there were good times and less good . Ancelotti is a coach who impresses with its curriculum , everything he has earned everything he knows about football . He was the player himself . He knows how to get under the skin of the footballer . In this sense, there is a real chemistry between him and the team . There is a good relationship between him and the group and I think this season , we can learn a lot with him. It can be a very successful year.

Is it difficult to adapt to a new coach after playing for several years under the orders of another?
Honestly no. All coaches want the same thing : to win and get the best performance from their players. If it is not easy to get along with everyone and manage a cloakroom where there are people around the world with different cultures and philosophies , we are all united by the same goal. It should not be a problem .

Since you 're talking about the wardrobe, are you still DJ cloakroom ?
I did it for several years ( laughs). Today , more young guns are like Marcelo or Jesé . Young people bring their music and it allows me to devote myself to something else. But it is certain that I like it when there is joy , good mood , peace and harmony in the dressing room . These things are also key to success .

How do you explain the great obsession that reigns at Real Madrid to win a tenth Champions League ?
Everyone knows that this competition has a special flavor . It is many years since our club has won more . I do not know if it's an obsession , but this test motivates us more than any other . Thinking in terms of obsession would be a mistake . We must go step by step, as in recent years : the last time we reached the semi -finals and we missed the final by a hair . It's complicated, but it's like that : Real Madrid is forced to fight for the trophy until the last breath .

To conclude , what are your wishes for the new year?
I do not have the habit of asking a lot but these days , given the situation facing our country, we must think of solidarity and adapt to reality. Hopefully health for all , have hope and dreams because no one can take away our happiness. Dreaming is free . You can not draw a cross on the situation. I have friends who are unemployed and others who have big problems. But with effort and sacrifice , we always end up the challenges that arise
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Cristiano Ronaldo receives the honors of the state

Unknown 1:47 م |

Cristiano Ronaldo was awarded Monday by the Portuguese President Anibal Cavaco Silva, who wanted to reward " a world renowned athlete became a symbol of Portugal" in a ceremony attended by numerous personalities of Portuguese football .

The President praised " the extraordinary talent of Ronaldo ... who helped promote Portugal in the world ," said Mr. Cavaco Silva at a ceremony at the presidential palace of Belem, Lisbon , broadcast by several television .

The Head of State also praised " the talent, discipline and determination Ronaldo has always been " itself as " an example to the younger generations ."

In recognition of this outstanding career, Mr. Cavaco Silva was granted the title of Grand Officer of the Order of Infante Dom Henry, created in 1960 for the 500th anniversary of the death of Henry the Navigator , one of the main architects the Portuguese colonial expansion.

For the occasion, Ronaldo had brought with him the Golden Ball in 2013 , awarded to the best footballer in the world , he has won there just a week ago .

The trophy will then be displayed in the museum opened last December in Madeira, the Portuguese archipelago where it originated.

" This is a great pride to represent Portugal in the world ... This distinction is an additional source of motivation to continue to work harder and represent Portugal at the highest level ," said star striker Ronaldo of Real Madrid and the team of Portugal , who turns 29 next month.

The Head of State had to pay tribute to " CR7 " January 7 , but the ceremony was postponed due to the death two days before Eusebio legend Lusitanian football 1960 .

Meanwhile , Cristiano Ronaldo, already 2008 Golden Ball , became the first Portuguese to receive the individual award twice . The best Eusebio had won in 1965 and Luis Figo in 2001.
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Bastos to Roma

Unknown 1:46 م |

Brazilian Michel Bastos was loaned to AS Roma until the end of the season with Al-Ain (United Arab Emirates), formalized Monday the Italian club.

Bastos signed for a loan of 1, 1 million with an option to purchase fixed at EUR 3.5 million, said the offensive Roma.Milieu in Lyon between 2009 and 2013, it is versatile. In particular it was the left-back Dunga of Brazil 2010 World Cup.

  Bastos also already knows Roma coach Rudi Garcia, who headed to Lille from 2007 to 2009. "I asked for a left midfielder," Garcia said Saturday night, while explaining the transfer was "not yet."

Bastos, 30, is the second rookie of the winter transfer window of the Roma, who sold American Michael Bradley in Toronto (Canada) and hired Radja Naing
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Barça - The new future stage from Camp Nou

Unknown 1:45 م |

FC Barcelona will eventually offer its socios to build a new stadium from the current Nou and not considered a different site Camp, said Monday the president Sandro Rosell.

The proposal will be submitted to a vote of socios (shareholders supporters club) 5 or 6 April.

"The club has decided unanimously to consult socios to build a new speaker on the location of the Camp Nou," said Rosell told reporters.

The project, considered "technical and complex" by Jordi Moix, Heritage Officer in the Catalan club, cost 600 million euros and will pass the capacity of 99,000 to 105,000 places.

The project to build a stadium on another site would have cost almost double, according to the club.

Camp Nou, built in 1957 in the districts of Les Corts, is currently the largest in Europe.
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Eto'o sinks Manchester United

Unknown 1:44 م |

The Cameroonian striker Samuel Eto'o to Chelsea , author of a hat-trick , was the man behind the success of the Blues against Manchester United ( 3-1) , when the shock of the weekend in England.

Samuel Eto'o : Man of the Match in the clash between Chelsea and Manchester United striker 32 years has surprised many with a resounding triple ( 3-1). After a difficult season and the beginning of many criticisms about his lack of form, so that's six league goals . Cameroon has not yet done anything other than what he has done for years by combining perfectly success , sense of purpose and cunning . His first goal as a result of an innocuous finally deflected strike . Then, despite his reputation , he still finds a way to forget to place a shot on the turn inside the box. Finally, he managed to regain 50 cm line pushed by a De Gea on him as the corner that Valencia encircled since the beginning of the action!

Yaya Touré : the powerful Ivorian community has yet delivered a leading performance with Manchester City against Cardiff ( 4-2). Before placing himself in the 3rd axis of a low shot cross land , after pressing Aguero, and he used his superbly long a game outside of the right to launch Dzeko to the 2nd. Finally, still further, he finished making the politeness to the Argentine . It is now 14 goals this season, a unit of his best total in a season .

Emmanuel Adebayor : scored twice in Swansea Tottenham (3-1 ), the Togolese 29 years is now five goals and two in seven league matches this season passes. In Welsh , the first part was an uncrossed to receive a perfect cross head and the second a flat foot full of coolness .

Gervinho : The Ivorian Roma still gave dizzy defense in the win against Livorno (3-0), but he also missed three good chances to score. The public, who appreciate its spectacular game has always applauded , but a small goal would have improved its rating .

Ikechukwu Uche : he scored Sunday against Almeria (2-0) his 11th goal in La Liga this season. The Nigerian party to the limit of offside , inherited a ball in the box he controlled calmly before adjusting the guard in a mouse hole .

Papakouli Diop and Simao : positioned in front of the defense of Levante, the Senegalese Diop and Mozambican Simao contributed greatly to snatch the great FC Barcelona match point (1-1 ) . Tireless , they tried to reduce the gaps in the axis of the field where their physical presence has proved invaluable. Diop, one of the best on the pitch , even brought offensively with a failed recovery and burst into the area that forced the Barcelona goalkeeper Victor Valdes to a release .

Siaka Tiene : a goal from the left side Ivorian is rare enough to be reported . The former Parisian, came on as a second half to shield the defense has completed the precious success at Sochaux Montpellier (2-0 ), the first of the new Rolland Courbis coach in the league , on a pass from Souleymane Camara Senegalese .

Vincent Enyeama and Salomon Kalou : Nigerian goalkeeper Lille is also sovereign in season. Without being at fault, he still had to get twice the ball in his nets in Saint -Etienne ( 2-0) while the Ivorian striker has not really distinguished .

Nathan Sinkala : Zambian defender , winner of the CAN in 2012 with Hervé Renard and arrived at Sochaux in mercato , quickly pointed out, but to his detriment by being ruled against Montpellier on a nasty tackle.

Vincent Abubakar : Cameroon striker , author of 11 goals in Ligue 1 with Lorient, turned into two smuggler to overcome Guingamp ( 2-0).
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Messi: "This World cup is timely"

Unknown 1:43 م |

Lionel Messi is back. After a series of injuries that have kept him sidelined during the final months of 2013, the Argentina captain has already had the opportunity to show his talent was intact. On January 16 , he still scored a goal against Getafe anthology - a team that manages it well - and confirmed to the world that the worst was over .

Three days before this new individual demonstration, Barcelona was in Zurich to attend the ceremony of the FIFA Ballon d'Or. On this occasion, he gave an exclusive interview with , in which he recalls the nervousness he felt when he followed the FC Barcelona matches on television, his convalescence in Rosario, the current form of the Albiceleste Brazil before 2014 and repeated wish: "May this be the year of the whole group , not just Messi ."

Lionel Messi, this year was special . On the one hand , there was the title of champion of Spain and qualifying for Brazil 2014. On the other hand , an injury ruled out of action for up to several weeks. How do you analyze ?
Yes , absolutely , it was a special year . I have not been able to participate either at the end of the championship last season or the semi-finals of the Champions League. I also missed the beginning of this edition of the Champions League. So we can say that the negative point of the year was my injury.

Coaches who have worked with you to agree on two things: your talent and the fact that you hate being sidelined . How have you experienced these many weeks of inactivity ?
It was hard, very hard ! But the fact to go to Argentina and get away a little cloakroom, this excitement has made me a lot . Even physically , these weeks off did me good. I try to remember the positive side.

Once again, at the first opportunity , you return to Rosario . What do you miss most about your hometown?
Everything! My friends , family. Be there, the only being in my house, to enjoy a little, it makes me feel good .

Can you walk quietly in the street?
Yes, more or less like in Barcelona (laughs). No, I try to go from house to house , among my friends and family. I do not walk me down the street too .

You have been obliged to follow Barcelona on television. Does it make you more nervous than usual?
Yes, completely. Much more than when I'm on the field. Being outside and see that you can not lend a hand is the worst of all .

Did you feel anxiety over the fact that we are in a year of World Cup FIFA?
No. I worked very quietly , first at the national center of the Argentine Federation and my home in Rosario, where I still worked well . At six months of the event, I'm fine physically , in the head too. It did me good to have contacts with people. I focused on recovery, because I had nothing else to do. I was locked up somehow! I thought of nothing else.

Lionel Messi, each year World Cup Is a particular year ?
Yes, of course , although there was still a few months. Sounds a bit far and at the same time , it will happen very quickly. But before that, there will be many other important things : the Champions League win again La Liga, the Copa del Rey . We not moving step. But it's true , we are already thinking all the World .

Many people say that this is the year of Argentina , due to its recent performance, the age of the players and their experience. Do you agree ?
Yes, it's true. We arrive at the right time . We were not very good start but after the match won in Colombia, we have achieved a great course . This match was an important and very good for us click. Our workforce is strong, but we'll see. In a World Cup , anything can happen . It is very hard . But I think it actually arrives World at the right time for us.

Talk about Brazil , an opponent you doing well in general. You beat the Seleção and scored goals against it repeatedly. Do you remember a particular match against that country?
Yes, I remember very well the FIFA U -20 in the Netherlands in 2005. We beat Brazil 2-1 in the semifinals . I had the opportunity to score the winning goal . It was one of my first great joys . It's still a very good memory.

What a World Cup match is special compared to other tournaments? What makes this unique competition ?
The World Cup matches are completely different , starting with the environment, how you prepare matches. It's completely different . The Champions League is also very special , but the World is more.

What analysis do you Group F, in which you have been placed alongside the Bosnia - Herzegovina, Iran and Nigeria?
It says a lot that this is an easy group for Argentina. But in a World Cup , there is no easy team. Everyone is there for a good reason. It is in this sense that there is no simple match in the World Cup .

Before we leave , could you complete the following sentence : " In 2014 , Lionel Messi will ..."
I do not know! I hope this will be a great year for Barcelona and Argentina , not just Messi, but for the whole group.
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Lyon connects to Reims

Unknown 10:18 ص |

Lyon continued his fine series by winning (2-0) on the lawn of Reims and has come closer to European markets on Sunday at the 21st day of Ligue 1.

This success, the fourth consecutive in 2014 and seventh in their last ten games in all competitions , allows the OL back in eighth place with 31 points.

Players Remi Garde , who pointed to the truce to 15 lengths of Lille and the third place , synonymous with preliminary round of the Champions League , returned to the LOSC 9 points and can get back to dream of C1.

" This is a great victory , collectively the team was successful , it was a very good game on a lot of plans, welcomed the Lyon technician. This success gives us marks ( ... ) but will wait before talking about a return of the great Lyon. "

OL , beaten in the league by Delaune in Reims in March and Gerland in August, this time managed to fold the team Hubert Fournier, remains seventh thanks to goals from Lacazette and Fofana .

It is however Reims , who remained four wins and a draw in L1 , who had started the game better .

Author of a first strike non- framed (4th) , Ayité slaloming in the Lyon defense and fired in a shot away for a corner by the end gloves Lopes (6th) .

On both occasions had the gift to awaken Lyonnais regained control of operations.

Gourcuff, less legs than in his previous performances , had the first opportunity but was denied by Lyon Agassa (8th) .

Then Bedimo seeped into the box and placed a powerful shot from a tight angle . The ball crashed against the post and returned to the feet of Lyon defender , who missed the target ( 17 ) .

Lacazette yet scorer
OL then got a deserved opening score. Bedimo fixed the defense and Reims Lacazette served at the entrance to the surface. After a hook striker fired in a left-footed shot beyond the reach of Agassa and scored his 10th goal of the season in L1 (0-1, 25).

The Reims walked away to attack and looked dangerous . Préville sent a shot on the turn over ( 39th ) before Weber, on corner , finds the crossbar with a downward header (43 ) .

After an initial period of great beauty, the pace and quality of play fell significantly in the second .

Lyon controlled the game and got an opportunity Rheims De Preville , the recovery of the head brushed the window Lopes (72 ) .

" We came across better than us. It was a solid match but wished we could weigh more offensively. Was not lacked ambition but maybe a little talent ," acknowledged Hubert Fournier .

After nearly another goal by Gourcuff ( 46th ) and Gomis ( 83) , Lyon will eventually succeed with Fofana .

Served right side , in the middle repiquait axis and sent a shot into the top corner of Agassa to ensure the success of the OL (0-2 , 84th ) .

Lyon, who has lost only one of their last 16 matches ( against Paris SG ) , confirmed that he was indeed back.
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Löw left the door open for Khedira

Unknown 10:16 ص |

" No date " has been set for the return from injury of Sami Khedira for selection for the World Cup in Brazil ( June 12-July 13 ) , assured the German coach Joachim Löw Sunday in the columns of Bild newspaper .

"I had to phone Sami there three days. It feels good , work a little on the treadmill and did not suffer any setbacks ," said Löw who do not want to put pressure on the defensive midfielder Real Madrid who is recovering from an operation on his right knee .

"There is no deadline , assured the coach. But it will obviously see in April in what form will state the players, he said, adding that it" would be difficult to select a player for World who has not played a competitive game. "

Khedira , the defensive midfielder Mannschaft and Real Madrid aged 26 , suffered a ruptured anterior cruciate ligament in his right knee during a friendly match against Italy on November 15 .

The German team has scheduled four friendly matches , the last against Armenia on June 6 on the eve of his departure for base camp Santo André , in the state of Bahia, currently under construction.

Germany will make its debut in the World Cup against Portugal, one of his three opponents in the group G with Ghana and the United States .
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Benzema, 100 goals with Real

Unknown 11:22 ص |

The French Karim Benzema reached Saturday the 100 goals with Real Madrid since his arrival in 2009, scoring the third goal in Madrid on the lawn of Real Betis (0-5) at the 20th day of the Spanish Championship .

For his 210th match in the white jersey , international tricolor (26 years, 64 caps ) has crossed the symbolic threshold by taking a pass from Luka Modric when the score was 2-0 ( 45 +1).

With these 100 goals , he is the 20th player to reach in the history of Real, Benzema (26) approximates the total of 104 recorded at the time by his childhood idol , Brazilian Ronaldo , one stars " galactic " Real early 2000s.

This is a great reward for the former Lyon , which deals 2014 with a smile after being sealed in 2013 by his inability to score with the Blues for 1222 minutes - until last October - and a spate of a half months aimlessly with the Real in early autumn.

At the same time he had finally become the natural incumbent center-forward to Real, he challenged in recent years the Argentine Gonzalo Higuain , Benzema was disliked by some of the Bernabeu stadium and ended up on the bench during the clasico lost to FC Barcelona late October ( 2-1).

Author of a remarkable comeback that night , the French then responded in November , scoring six goals in six matches to be reconciled with the Madrid public.

He now has ten league goals this season in Spain , one in the King's Cup and two Champions League , totaling 13 goals mid-term that could allow it to improve its best record in Madrid: 32 goals during the 2011-2012 season.

In four and a half years , Benzema scored 65 goals (+1) in the Spanish Championship in the colors of Real, 21 in the Champions League , 13 in the King's Cup and Supercup of Spain.
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Match against Poverty rich stars

Unknown 10:26 ص |

Pierluigi Collina legendary six-time titleholder best referee of the year in his career , as well as international football players Deco , Pavel Nedved , Roberto Carlos and Fernando Hierro among the celebrities who have confirmed their participation , alongside Ronaldo and Zinedine Zidane, the 11th edition of the Match against Poverty. The event will take place on March 4 at the Stade de Suisse , in the city of Bern, Switzerland .

The proceeds of the match will support recovery efforts in the Philippines , following Typhoon Haiyan , one of the most powerful ever to hit land, which hit the Philippines on 8 November storms.

As nine of its ten previous editions , the next Match against Poverty will take place under the supervision of renowned Italian referee Pierluigi Collina . " I always feel inspired when the issue of a competition than the game itself . 's 11th Match against Poverty will be an opportunity to see players score goals not only for their own camp, but also for residents Philippines. it is an honor for me to officiate this game again, " he said on this occasion .

UNDP will collect two thirds of the proceeds of the match , which will be allocated to support recovery efforts in the Philippines , where Typhoon Haiyan left a heavy toll : more than 5,000 victims , nearly 11.8 million people affected and some 995,000 displaced people who still do not have a home .

The remaining third of the profits will be donated by the BSC Young Boys in Switzerland Laureus Foundation , the charitable partner of the club for the benefit of sports projects .

The preliminary list of players who have already confirmed their presence in the team Ronaldo, Zidane and Friends includes: Ronald de Boer (Netherlands ), Steve McManaman (England ), Robert Pires, Claude Makelele and Youri Djorkaeff ( France ), Jens Lehmann (Germany); Gaizka Mendieta , Fernando Hierro and Michel Salgado (Spain ), Paulo Sousa and Deco ( Portugal ), Roberto Carlos (Brazil) and Pavel Nedved (Czech Republic). As for the opposing team led by Young Boys and their friends , it will be composed of former players and current players club BSC Young Boys. Stéphane Chapuisat old Swiss player and winner of the Champions League, UEFA has confirmed his participation . Other known footballers should confirm their participation in the event in the coming days .

Soccer stars Ronaldo and Zinedine Zidane were the principal architects of the Match against Poverty since its inception in 2003. Broadcast by television stations around the world, the game is supported by two football governing bodies such as Federation Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) and the Union of European Football Associations ( UEFA) .

Kick off the 11th Match against poverty will be given at 20:00 local time, March 4, 2014 in Bern. Ticket prices vary from 20 to 60 Swiss francs and is available for sale online on websites / tickets and .
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FIFA Ballon d'Or: your reactions?

Unknown 5:18 ص |

Winners of all prizes awarded during the ceremony of FIFA Ballon d' Or 2013 13 January 2014 at the Kongresshaus in Zurich is now known .

Cristiano Ronaldo scored the second FIFA Ballon d'Or in his career, while Jupp Heynckes was named Coach of the Year for Male Football . For the ladies, Nadine Angerer and Silvia Neid , respectively goalkeeper and coach of Germany , received distinctions FIFA World Player and Coach of the Year for Women's Football .

The scorer Zlatan Ibrahimovic won the FIFA Puskas Award , Jacques Rogge awarded the FIFA President , the Afghan Football Federation , the Fair Play and King Pelé was awarded an Award Honor .

To be complete, the FIFA / FIFPro World XI was also appointed.

What do you think all these distinctions ? Favorites they won ? What would you choose if you had the opportunity to vote ?

The floor is yours !
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c.ronaldo is the best in the world

Unknown 12:08 م |

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Unknown 11:09 ص |

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LIVE - Red Carpet at FIFA Ballon d'Or 2013

Unknown 8:45 ص |

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Resident Evil 6 [MULTI5]

Unknown 3:39 ص |

[Resident Evil 6 [MULTI5

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Batman Arkham Origins Initiation

Unknown 1:24 ص |

Batman Arkham Origins Initiation

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